Rachel Chen
Like many people, I started practicing yoga to improve my overall physical condition, but soon discovered that the benefits were far more than I had envisaged. When I came to Hong Kong at the age of 24, flying was my passion and I've been pursuing my passion for 10 years - traveling around the world, being free.
Aerial yoga is my first love and I fell in love with the feeling of being airborne on a hammock. This was until I tried mat yoga (initially to find a cure for lingering injuries in my body), which became the perfect balancing activity between aerial yoga and the yang of daily life in Hong Kong. With that, came a deeper understanding of anatomy, meditation, mindfulness, and yoga, which ultimately exceeded my initial fascination towards the aesthetics of asanas.
空中瑜伽是我的初戀,迷戀上了在掛布上飛翔的感覺。直到嘗試了墊上瑜伽(想找到治療身體揮之不去的舊傷),作為空中瑜珈以及香港日常生活中的陽氣的緩衝。隨之而來的是對身體解剖學、冥想、平靜和瑜伽的深刻理解,超越了最初讓我著迷的體式 。
I furthered my study of yoga renowned instructors like Jason Crandell, Patrick Creelman, Rinat Perlman, Samrat Dasgupta, and Tiffany Cruikshank. I received my Yoga Alliance E-RYT 500 (but soon realized that certifications and numbers meant little), and I have a deep gratitude and respect to all my teachers past and present.
我繼續接受Jason Crandell、Patrick Creelman、Rinat Perlman、Samrat Dasgupta 和 Tiffany Cruikshank 的培訓(獲得了我的瑜伽聯盟 E-RYT 500 ,然後意識到認證和數字毫無意義),我對我過去和現在的所有老師深表感謝和尊重。
Ultimately, these were all steps in a broader journey to "find my own breath"
I remember the feeling of inflexibility and poor muscle endurance before I started practicing yoga, and noticed the benefits of practice in giving me a healthier and nimbler body, as well as the composure to stay calm under stressful circumstances.
我知道練瑜珈時身體不柔軟的感覺(就像我練瑜珈前慘不忍睹的柔軟度和肌耐力),也知道過去情緒和壓力如何影響生活品質。 練習帶給我的是健康輕盈的身體,增強的自我控制力和情緒管理能力,還有面對壓力更能保持平靜的呼吸和心態。 讓我回到生活、工作、家庭、人際關係中更加的自信和積極。